HomePage — Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering - DICAM

First and Second cycle degree programmes a.y. 2023/24
Consult the complete list of first and second cycle degree programmes offered by the Department and make your choice.

Research areas
A journey through the areas, projects and research groups where new knowledge is born and developed. Discover the research and scientific innovation activities of the department’s researchers.

Innovation and Research
Un'opportunità per innovatori e ricercatori nel settore marittimo

Innovation and Research
Dare forma alle Idee @UNIBO
Presentazione Call for Startup 2024-2025 e Inspirational Talk sull'imprenditorialità studentesca

And how do you get around?
Take part in the "Passa col verde 2024" survey

Innovation and Research
Alma Mater Fest: the festival dedicated to the student community
From 21 to 23 October, three days of meetings, debates, music, guidance activities, and guided tours in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, and Rimini.
Calls and competitions
Open calls
International Dimension
The Department is internationally active in the fields of Research, Education and Third Mission.
The international activities of DICAM
The international research projects of DICAM
The international exchange opportunities of DICAM
The international relations of Third Mission of DICAM

Research Projects
The projects and research initiatives in which the professors and researchers of the department are involved at national and international level

Online booking of the SEM-FEG
Access to all useful information and the booking link
Official results of the elections held on May 17, 18 and 19, 2022 for student representatives in the University bodies and the National Council of Undergraduate Students (NSCU), are available.

Training offer 2023/24
Choose the one that's right for you from the Department's courses

Terracini in Transition
The School of Engineering and Architecture as a Living-Lab for sustainability.

ENI-DICAM agreement for Offshore Engineering
An agreement was signed on July 15th 2019 to guarantee the support of Eni s.p.a. to the new international course on Offshore Engineering.

DICAM in Antarctica
A DICAM research team was at Little Dome C in the framework of the Project H2020 Beyond Epica - Oldest Ice

Mapathon 2021
In 2021 two editions of the traditional crowdmapping event were held, organized by the Geomatics group at DICAM

A new urban pavement in Imola
A novel sustainable and safe solution by the Roads group at DICAM

Prof. Mesini confirmed at the Offshore Committee
Green light from the Environment and Productive Activities Committees of the Chamber and Environment and Industry of the Senate for the renewal of the appointment of the DICAM professor